The Australian Pool and Ocean Lifeguard Association Incorporated (APOLA) is a not-for-profit Association that promotes water safety and best practice supervision and management of accessible aquatic environments. It delivers training for lifeguards, coaches, teachers, students and others involved in aquatic activity and water safety supervision through a structured awards system. The Association also promotes water safety through numerous community education initiatives and programs such as FLOAT TO SURVIVE and is an advocate for minimising the risk of drowning in and around water.
In general terms APOLA:
Recognises Local Government Councils, (in cooperation with their respective State and/or Territory and Federal Government agencies) as the controlling authorities in aquatic safety and beach management.
- Promotes and supports best practice in wave pool and beach management in consultation with wave pool operators, Councils and Association member lifeguards.
- Advocates high standards for lifeguard performance through access to recognised industry training.
- Supports community education and programs in beach and aquatic facility management, water safety, risk assessment, lifeguard and aquatic personnel training, public education, regulation, public relations, tourism support and teaming with medical, rescue and other specialist agencies.